Wednesday, 30 September 2009

A Serious Man (Trailer)

Directors: Joel and Ethan Coen
Writers: Joel and Ethan Coen
Staring: Michael Stuhlbarg, Richard Kind, Fred Melamed
Release: 2nd October 2009

The Coen Brothers are an unfortunate pair of directors. With so many cult classic under their united belt (Fargo, The Big Lebowski, Raising Arizona ) any movie they release that doesn’t quite measure up to their unbelievably high standard of film making is destined to disappoint. Burn After Reading, Intolerable Cruelty and The Lady Killers, respectable films if judged by any normal standard, are deemed forgettable and sub-par when they come from the duo that brought “The Dude” to the big screen.

The Coen Brothers will once again have to measure up to that standard with their latest release “A Serious Man”. The buzz this film got earlier in the year shows that expectations have already been set unreasonably high with fans hoping for this to be the brothers’ “masterpiece”. ‘A serious Man’ clearly has a lot to live up to, especially when coming from two directors who already have spawned several films that any director would be proud to call their magnum opus.

The trailer itself could be deemed a masterpiece of cinema; suspenseful, funny and well-paced. I feel that I have an emotional connection to the character already despite having seen him only in a brief two minute teaser.

Although the trailer reveals little in terms of plot, one thing’s clear; The Coen Brothers are back to their trademark dark comedy style that earned them their cult following. As for whether or not the film itself proves to be the “masterpiece” fans are hoping for, we’ll have to wait and see. UK fans however will unsurprisingly have to wait slightly longer, with the UK release date pegged for the 20th November.

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